عن الأمانة

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه اجمعين . يسرني أن أرحب بكم في موقع كلية الدراسات العليا بجامعة زالنجي والتي أنشأت في العام 2006 م والتي تهدف الى إثراء المعرفة الإنسانية بكافة فروعها عن طريق الدراسات المتخصصة والبحث العلمي الجاد والرصين للوصول الى إضافات علمية وتطبيقية مبتكرة والكشف عن حقائق علمية جديدة وإعداد الكفاءات العلمية والمهنية المتخصصة وتأهيلها لإنتاج المعرفة وتطوير البحث العلمي وتوجيهه لمعالجة قضايا المجتمع والإسهام في تحقيق الأهداف الإستراتيجية للجامعة حيث تشرف الكلية على برامج الدبلوم العالي والماجستير والدكتوراة التي تقدمها الجامعة في مختلف التخصصات وتلتزم الكلية برسالتها من خلال إستحداث التخصصات اللازمة في الدراسات العليا وتقديم تعليم متميز في البحث العلمي وتبني التقانة الحديثة لخدمة احتياجات المجتمع المحلي والإقليمي والدولي .

الرؤيا، الرسالة والأهداف


التميز في برامج الدراسات العليا  للحاق بركب العالم وذلك بتوجه أخلاقي نابع من هويتنا،استراتيجياتنا، ثقافتنا، أدياننا و احتياجات مجتمعنا


The University works according to the guidelines of the National Council for Higher Education, its plans, directives of the University Council and the curricula set by the Senate. Students are admitted to the university by the General Administration for Admission, Evaluation and Documentation of Certificates by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Academic Year and Admission Policy:-
The academic year begins according to the academic calendar issued by the University Senate. It consists of two semesters. The basic examinations are held at the end of each semester. Where, the examinations of the Supplementary and substitute are held at the end of each academic year.
Scientific Degrees: -
First: The Bachelor  
The University senate has granted the following academic degrees in the various faculties of the University.
- Bachelor of Science Honors in Agriculture - Faculty of Agriculture.
- Bachelor of Education Honors - Faculty of Education- Basic level.
- Bachelor of Science and Education - Faculty of Education (four years + fifth year honor).
- Bachelor of Arts and Education - Faculty of Education (four years + fifth year honor).
- Bachelor of Science Honors (Forestry, Range and Wildlife) - Faculty of Forestry Science.
- Bachelor of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Business Management, Economics and Accounting) - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (four year + fifth year honor).
- Bachelor of Computer Science Honors - Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology.
- Bachelor of Languages ​​(Arabic, English and French) - Faculty of Languages ​​and Linguistics (four year + fifth year honor).
- Bachelor of Medicine (six year)
- Bachelor of General Health (four year + fifth year honor)
- Bachelor of Nursing (four year + fifth year honor)
Second: - Intermediate Diplomas:
Diploma of Business Management - Faculty of Technology - (three year)
Diploma of Accounting and Financial Management - Faculty of Technology - (three year)
Diploma of Information Technology - Faculty of Technology - (three year)
Diploma of English Language - Faculty of Technology - (two years)
Diploma of Midwifery (three year)
Diploma of Medical Assistant(three year)
Diploma of Psychology &Kindergarden(three year)
Third:The Senate grant the highest degrees (high diploma, master and doctorate) in the various faculties, centers and institutes of the university.
Scientific Evaluation System:
* The grading system is based on the adjusted fixed distribution curve for the student groups below (30) as follows:








85  76  67   58     49 40

This system depends on the differentiation between those sitting in the same course (this means that the grades obtained by the student in any course maximum 100 degree means nothing unless compared to the degrees of peers), which depends on statistical analysis of the grades of all students sitting for the designated course by extracting the arithmetic mean of the grades (X) as well as standard deviation (SD) for each course and then the scores for each student in that course are converted to the estimate.
The grades of students in each course are converted to estimates according to the following seven-digit equations using the arithmetic average and the standard deviation as follows:








X-2sdX-sdX-½sdــــــــــــــــــــsd ½+ XX+sdX+2sd

The load:
The study load is the sum of the weekly credit hours that the student enrolls in the semester. The study load includes 15 to 30 credit hours per semester. A student who registers for less than 15 credit hours is considered an irregular student only in the case of graduating students who need less than the normal academic load.
Classification of Degrees:
The classification as follows:-
 First Class:                                       GPA 3.50 - 4.00
Second Class:  Division One         GPA 3.00 - 3.49
Second Class:  Division Two         GPA 2.50 - 2.99
Third Class:                                      GPA 2.00 - 2.49-us;mso-bidi-language:ar-sa"="" lang="AR-SA">كلية الدراسات العليا  مسؤولة من تقديم تعليم متميز و تميز في البحث و تبني التقانة الحديثة لخدمة احتياجات المجتمع وإظهار ما نقدم للعالم المحلي و الدولي وذلك بالحصول على الاعتماد الأكاديمي